I outgrew another board...

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Re: I outgrew another board...

Post by Xarata » Sat May 15, 2010 7:08 pm

no little fingers in my house and Honey (the furbaby/dog) is only interested in destroying containers if she's being ignored. That photo is the bathroom closet and the boards on the right are hanging on each panel of the folding door. The makeup is around chest height so any little fingers below 4-5 feet wouldn't be able to get it, but i'd say around age 6-7 might be trouble if they were wanting to play (right around the age to know better but still get into mischief).

My closet has 4 shelves and the floor so there's room for storing towels and hair dryers down low(not that i keep towels in my closet...) I keep skincare on the one below the makeup (which little fingers could reach) and first aid and pharmaceuticals (excedrin, cough syrup), hair appliances/accessories, and nailpolish below that. The floor has random stuff: a tote of jewelry, a small rubbermaid of makeup i don't wear, wax tarts, hot rollers, etc. If i had kids, the bottom 3 shelves would probably need to be rethought. or the door latched...lol.

Hubby has a minor jealousy of the closet (he would like to be allowed to put some towels in there for instance), but at least he doesn't have to look inside of it. lol. Our bathroom mirror is a medicine cabinet (it has a door with shelves behind) and he has most of that. He doesn't really have "things" that one would store in the bathroom. Razors, cologne, and hairgel is about it.

It's ok to be jealous. I know i have the HG of makeup storage. lol :mrgreen:

*I added the "Progression of the Habit" photo to the original update on this thread. It shows my collection growing across 3 apts over the course of 3 and a half years. Can you believe all my lippies used to fit in one of those mesh bags? lol

It does not include apt 1 the year before which is when i first tried Sheer Cover Mineral Makeup and then embarked on a "there has to be something more affordable out there" quest, where i sampled somewhere between 30-50 different indie brands of mineral makeup (from lumiere and meow to mod minerals, and zosimos botanicals). Silk Naturals released a warm gold foundation base and sucked me in with their "try-a-little-of-everything-for-$30" kit. You all know what happened after that... I was done for with my first SN lippie...(birthday suit i believe)
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Re: I outgrew another board...

Post by lilychemgirl » Sun May 16, 2010 8:46 pm

OK, I just want to hang out in your closet swatching lippies all day - is that creepy :lol:
I also think I need to get a magnetic board, I could do my eyeshadow on the wall, then the kids couldn't reach it (Beth is pretty good if she knows she isn't supposed to touch it, she would just beg though, lol. Bina couldn't reach.)
Mineral makeup addict, Mama to three amazing girls, loving wife to Tom ♥
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