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Re: morphing shadows

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 8:21 pm
by JenW
Is this it (just for clarification!)? ... cts_id=379

Re: morphing shadows

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 8:30 pm
by queenie50cat
Jen ,yes, but it's rather tacky in consistency-normal right? J.

Re: morphing shadows

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 8:44 pm
by JenW
It is a little tacky, but not sticky. It needs to be a little tacky to hold the pigments. It does not have the alcohols and clays that are in commercial primers that make them so drying. Also, there are ingredients in UDPP that most of us would never use in our mineral makeup. (I know you have the same issues with UDPP that I have!)

I am looking at my Cream Liner (Clear) and it does say 'Liner Sealer' on the label. At least we know we are talking about the same thing for certain. I am very interested to try this out in the Clear. I have been using one of Mahogany, Tarnish, and another tester color nearly every day. I have also been adding other mineral pigment colors over the top of the colored liners for more drama with great results and lasting power. The consistency of the 'Liner Sealer' is very similar and I think it will perform much the same. It is like a soft eye pencil without the wooden part. I also think the product will last longer if it is not premixed, but layered. I may have to play with this extensively tonight! You have my interest piqued, and I will report back.

Re: morphing shadows

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 1:12 am
by queenie50cat
Thank you, thank you. So colored liner sealers are coming soon, yeah. J.

Re: morphing shadows

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 2:44 pm
by JenW
O-kay. I tried it today. Both methods worked.

For premixing, I just really almost 'ground' my flat brush into the Liner Sealer. Then I picked up a little Bewitched. Then I blended it in the lid of the Liner Sealer(and cleaned it afterward!) It drew a nice fine line and was not all that difficult, and really did not take long, either. Then this would need to be sealed with Perfecting Powder to make it last.

Using a similar brush, I also drew a fine line with the plain Liner Sealer and then layered plain Bewitched on the top. This would not really need to be sealed, because it has been done with the Eyeshadow.

To my eye, I feel the layered method gives a much better color payoff, probably because the micas are sitting on top rather than covered in Liner Sealer to dull them a bit. Also, the layered method uses very little product. Both work fine, but because of the color payoff and the amount of product used, I will definitley layer. I did not photo the results, but I certainly will if you need me to.

So far just the basic colors are covered in the Cream Liners. If there is a ready to wear color that you really want, definitely put in a request on the Wish List!!!

Just make sure you are using a lining brush with some body to it. I have used the Ultimate Eyeshadow Brush with good success. Do you have one that is similar? For the Cream Liner/Liner Sealer, you need one that is flat and a bit wide, because there is something there to push the medium along. The fine, straight ones are great for the powder over the top, but they lack the stiffness needed for the heavier texture of the cream liner.

Re: morphing shadows

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 8:24 pm
by deepix
I can't wait for my morphing eyeshadow and cream eyeliner! Bought Fire and the clear cream like a month ago. I'm still waiting for the parcel (though it's probably LOST in the mail T.T since i usually get it in 1.5weeks or so) Quite depressing...