Could use any spare good vibes!

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Re: Could use any spare good vibes!

Post by superwahz » Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:15 am

Kanani has been her cute, funny, and downright absurd self throughout the summer! She's done really well with the holistic treatments our vet has prescribed, having an integrative vet is such an awesome thing. She's bounding around like a puppy, has healed well from the surgery, and has taken all this traveling in stride, though I know she'd rather be at home in her own bed with regular walks around the block to keep tabs on the neighbors. ;) She's such a spot of sunshine in my life...pets really do soothe the soul.

I wish I could revive this thread to say nothing but happy things...but it just isn't so. I've been stressed out by more than just the house drama in the past month, just haven't been able to talk about it. A few weeks ago we found out Kanani has another Mast Cell tumor and this time things are a lot more complicated. :cry: The lump is on her back leg, right above the knee, against the bone. It has good blood flow and is growing. Unfortunately there is no way just surgery is gonna "cure" her this time, there is no way to get any sort of a margin around the mass. *big sighs* So, we've been debating back and forth about what to do, hoping the house would be ready for us to move back into so we could tackle this thing from home, in our regular routine...but with days dragging on we can't wait anymore.

Our vet has advised us to consult with a vet Oncologist to discuss our options... Thankfully, we live in one of the best places possible for a sick dog, we're surrounded by several vet schools and specialty treatment clinics, including our pick, NCSU's vet school. I'm not sure how long we'll have to wait before she's seen, but in the mean time some extra love and good energy would be most appreciated! :D
Taking joy in living is a woman's best cosmetic. ~Rosalind Russell
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