I believe we may have been adopted!

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I believe we may have been adopted!

Post by ladycattat » Thu Apr 22, 2010 11:01 pm

Hi all!
We moved a couple of months ago. Our new house has both a grassy backyard with a few trees and some ivy on the perimeter, and the front yard has a big deodar tree surrounded by ivy. About a month ago, I started noticing a pretty black cat hanging out in the back yard. She'd just sort of stare calmly at me with her big gold eyes. This went on for a about a week. Then DH informs me that she has a companion.Or a twin. Or quite probably a littermate. And she also starts staring calmly at me.
You need to understand, I adore cats, most especially black cats in multiples. I am nearly 48 now, and I have been blessed to share my life with sets of black cats since I was 25.
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We lost our last 3 tuxedo cats last year to a yukky feline disease. They were 3 girl littermates, 13 years old....and we were all devistated. It's been a really awful year for us on all kinds of levels, and losing our furbabies was just part of all that.
Now we have a new start. A new house. A nice REALLY, REALLY, REALLY CLEAN house. One that doesn't smell like 3 cat boxes.
So now, just the past 3 days, all of a sudden these 2 kitties are all over us, purring and meowing and rubbing, and now my kids are *in LOVE* and how named them Whiskers and Black Velvet and every time we open the door the dang cats are trying to sneak into my house and every time I turn around my kids are carrying them around like they are rag babies.

If we own pets, we have to pay a $300 deposit for each one. I called our management company yesterday to tell them most emphatically to tell them them that while they are hanging arong our front porch and my kids are petting them, they are most certainly *NOT* our cats.

Except tonight I bought them kibble.
I so caved.
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Re: I believe we may have been adopted!

Post by JenW » Thu Apr 22, 2010 11:24 pm

They are beautiful!

Also, there is nothing like a cat that adopts you. The cat that I rescued from our garden over a year and a half ago has adopted me as her main human. She misses me when I leave......which is kind of nice now that my kids are bigger and don't much care if Mom is gone a while.
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Re: I believe we may have been adopted!

Post by zeebs » Fri Apr 23, 2010 12:36 am

Those aminals are so cute. How can you say no? I'm so happy you bought them kibble. :)
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Re: I believe we may have been adopted!

Post by lwoodall10 » Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:23 am

awww...they are beautiful :)
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Re: I believe we may have been adopted!

Post by lilychemgirl » Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:54 am

They are so gorgeous! I remember a cat who adopted us when I was a kid, he was a stray, and came with the beach house we bought when I was 8 or so. He was sleek and healthy and lovely, and really friendly with kids, but terrifed of adult men (we think he was abused :( ) after a year or so though, they mowed the vacant lot next door, and his hunting ground was gone. He became skin and bones, and so my Dad hired a cat cage, and (incurring scratches that completely covered both his arms) got the cat in, and we took him home to our permanant home with us. Within an hour of arriving home with us he was stretched out on the couch purring like a lawnmower. We named him Riley (as he was living the life of Riley). The vet said he was about 1-2 years old, and we had him for a further 14 years. He became enormously fat (I think he was about 10kg, 22 pounds) and never got over his fear of men, although he loved my brother (who he got used to when my brother was a kid) and became used to my father, who fed him every day for many years. He was such a sweetie, and the smartest cat we ever had (for example, he learned to open his cat box by undoing the latch with his claws).
Cats who adopt you really are special!
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Re: I believe we may have been adopted!

Post by JenK » Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:31 am

They are beyond cute!!
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Re: I believe we may have been adopted!

Post by sewwies » Fri Apr 23, 2010 12:24 pm

Aww how sweet! And Lily thats such a wonderful story :)
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Re: I believe we may have been adopted!

Post by ladycattat » Fri Apr 23, 2010 1:54 pm

They ARE beautiful, and friendly and sweet as all get out. I am just not sure whether or not they actually belong to somebody in the neighborhood. We have put up signs, and advertised on Craigslist. They don't have collars, but they aren't scrawny or malnourished, and they don't act feral at all.
At this point, I am a little reluctant to allow them in the house, as I can easily see them *worming their way into sleeping on my bed* and DH would put his foot down on that.
We have a front porch with a rocking chair and a swing....and they both have pillows on them. The kitties have been sleeping on them. (I can tell, since there is now a fine film of black cat fur coating them) and since we are in Southern California I think they will be fine sleeping outside. This is not a neighborhood where we need to worry about coyotes or speeding cars, as we live at the end of a cul-de-sac.
After we lost our kitties last year, I wasn't sure whether I wanted to get another one for a while. I guess the universe had other plans. ;) ;)
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Re: I believe we may have been adopted!

Post by egerandi » Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:06 pm

Aaawww, they look very pretty! And yes, the universe, everything happens for a reason :)
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Re: I believe we may have been adopted!

Post by karen » Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:50 pm

They're soooo cute! I think it's a sign. That's such a cool story Lily...I can believe him weighing 10 kilos- but wow, that's huge. There was a cat at my Aunt Helen's nursing home that was about that size. His belly nearly dragged on the ground, but he was soooo happy, and very well loved by all of the residents.
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