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Easy diet tips???

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 1:19 am
by karen
The weight loss thread really has me inspired. Every year about this time I start to really watch what I eat so I can budget for all of the holiday yummies.

So, bowing to all the fabulous ladies who've lost so much weight- what are your quick and easy tips?

Re: Easy diet tips???

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 7:27 am
by JenW
Plan ahead when eating out. I have been looking at menus online before I go somewhere to eat....or at least have an idea of what you are going to eat and don't be afraid to ask for them to prepare it the way you need it. I generally go to a few places that have special menu items for those who are watching what they eat. I just need to know how to count it.
Keep easy, healthy snacks ready at all times. No matter which plan you are following, this is pretty important. Find some healthy things you really like and keep them handy. Me specifically: I do frozen fruit smoothies (just frozen fruit and Crystal Light) and Kashi GoLean Crunchy bars. Plus, occasionally chocolate animal crackers with a dab of chocolate peanut butter.
More fruits and Veggies. Always..more fruits and veggies.
Lean protein source. Try to have something handy to throw on a salad or in a soup. Or even just to munch. Me specifically: I usually keep grilled chicken on hand, Baby Bell light cheese, Egg Beaters with a wedge of Laughing Cow Cheese in omelet form.
Fiber is your friend. I have been getting at least 25 grams of fiber a day since I started what I am currently doing. It helps you feel fuller. Try to choose whole grain options, and fruits and veggies!
Drink lots of liquids. You know I am on a tea kick...... but water is better.
Remember that setbacks are going to happen and you just move on.....the actual impact of one setback is minor unless it derails your efforts completely.
Keep track in some way. There are many online apps, phone apps, and paper and pencil works, too. It is good to know the quality and quantity of food you are eating, because both have an impact on your overall health.
Move a little more. Find easy ways to add in a little activity...park further out in parking lots or walk if you can.

Don't aim for perfection......aim for livable.

Re: Easy diet tips???

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 7:57 am
by lilychemgirl
I always go for move a lot, lol. It is much easier for me to burn 400 calories at the gym than it is to not eat 400 calories! Also, every pound of muscle that you can add to your frame will burn an extra 30-50 calories a day, how awesome is that ?!? I am a big fan of weight training, as cardio will only burn calories while you are doing it, whereas weights will continue to up your metabolism for 24 hours after you finish. Both is ideal of course, for heart health etc.
And I really really like chocolate :lol: so any way I can avoid giving that up is a good thing!

Re: Easy diet tips???

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 10:06 am
by MyLavenderHeart
I am on a seafood diet right works out GREAT you guys!!
whenever I see food I eat it...

lol? Yes? No?

But to be serious for a moment I stay away from processed carbs that mess with my bloodsugar. Such as pasta, white rice and bread, and sugar of course. After avoiding things like that I felt better and the weitght dropped. I replaced the carbs with vegetables and the bread with something we call knekkebrød here in Norway. I am not sure what you guys call it? Krackerbread or something maybe? It has some seeds in it also. It is loaded with fiber but tastes really good, and NOT something your desk is made out of...

For breakfast I have one knekkebrød and load on toppings like some proteins (thin slices of meat or hardboiled egg etc) and LOTS of cucumber and/or tomato. That keeps my bloodsugar steady for hours and I feel so content. I should really take a picture of it because you wouldn`t believe how much I pile up on it! Have you sen Dagwood and his sandwich? Yeah, there you have it! :lol:
But it is all good and healthy and it keeps me full a long time :D

ETA: I should really mention that I do eat chocolate sometimes...Usually it is the dark version with 75% cocoa and a lot of antioxidants. Dark chocolate taste good, and one bite is plenty :)
And I do endulge in other things also once in a while. I have discovered that as long it once in a while my weight doesn`t go up. Just wanted to add this as I don`t want to sound like I never endulge, because I doo :mrgreen:

Re: Easy diet tips???

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 1:36 pm
by SouthernGal
How about eating a healthy breakfast everyday? I know it doesn't sound quick or easy, but I have found it to be a single change that can make a big difference. (And it is much easier than say, cutting out chocolate, at least for me! :D ) My personal breakfast menu is:

1 slice of whole wheat toast or small multi-grain waffle
1 egg
1 serving of fruit
1 cup of juice, milk, tea or coffee

Making this meal isn't as fast as unwrapping a PopTart, but it really doesn't take me longer than 5 minutes to prepare.

Re: Easy diet tips???

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:44 pm
by sewwies
MLH I love reading your posts they're always so happy and fun!! I too am a fan of the seafood diet ;)

Jen reading little lists like those really kick me back on track - thats on I'm gonna save!!

My big diet tip is chuck vegetables in EVERYTHING! It pads out meals with very few calories and really adds flavour! If you're making anything sauce-based like pasta or curry its so easy to do, and makes meals way healthier. If its something tomato based (the eaaaasiest sauces to make - no excuses for buying ready made tomato sauce!) chop up some onions, carrots, bell peppers, courgettes, aaaanything like that and make them small enough to fry up before you whack in the tomatoes, or put them all in a pan with a little water and sweat them until they're tender, then you can just blitz them up if you want a smooth sauce or leave them in their chunks. Also roast veg works well in tommy sauces! Just roast and plop in to some tinned tomatoes and a splash of ketchup ;)

Cheesy sauces do well with onions and mushrooms, and curries you can add aaaanything! They're the best :D

Also if you're having a meal from the work canteen, instead of mash or chips get a spoonful of veggies or a salad, you don't feel so pooped after lunch.

Ooo and add herbs and spices over salt :D

Re: Easy diet tips???

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 8:22 pm
by JenW
For those who just want to make a few changes:
I say go for it. Small changes really do make a difference in the long run. There are probably dozens of lists that are searchable online for the changes you can make in your diet/activity level and how they translate to pounds over the course of a year. Unfortunately, there really are no quick fixes.

For those who feel stuck like you can't even begin:
You can do this! I was completely stuck. I had tried just about every plan out there at one time or another and failed. But I learned a great deal about myself in the process. I needed to get to the place where I had an open mind about the changes I needed to make. I felt like this time, I went in with a blank slate as far as what I would and would not do, and I did not try to do it all at once. I still have quite a way to go, but I am totally optimistic about my prospects. Also, it is so hard if you have been an emotional eater all your life, or if food means love in your family gatherings. I really had to dig deep on those things and just decide that it was time for an entirely new plan of attack and a new way of thinking. In other words, I am not saying I will never have a cheeseburger (my ultimate fave meal). I am just trying to change what the cheeseburger is in my thinking. And I do grill a mean lean burger with low fat pepperjack cheese on a sourdough roll that is a pretty good substitute.

Re: Easy diet tips???

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 10:52 pm
by tizzylou
Small changes that allow you to enjoy favorite foods without losing flavor. Jen's cheeseburger is a perfect example, and while I know that she doesn't indulge in that cheeseburger everynight, the changes that she made allow her to enjoy that food occasionally without having to give up the flavor.

I make sure I get some form of protien at every meal. Breakfast is often eaten while I'm driving , so it is often a nutragrain bar and low fat cheese or a hard boiled egg, or 1 piece of toast with low fat peanut butter, I usually eat lunch at the cafeteria at work, so it is usually a salad and diced turkey with lowfat dressing from the salad bar, or the meat entree if it fish ( not fried) or roasted chicken or turkey and veggies and fruit. Since DH has to watch his fat intake due to his heart problems dinner is usually chicken or turkey in some form, of very lean beef or pork. We rarely eat sweets, but will often have light yogurt with a sprinkling of low fat granola if we want something sweet. Otherwise it is lots of fresh fruit or canned fruits that have been canned in natural juices. I drink lots of water and tea throughout the day. I do drink 2 cups of coffee in the mornings with my favorite full fat creamer,and since like Jen I too like to much creamer in that coffee, I allow myself room for those to cups, and the stop, thus eliminating the uneccessary calories from the creamer. We use whole grain pasta, I am not a bread eater, but DH is and he wouldn't give up his white bread, but he now eats a 45 cal bread, rather than the normal 70 cal slices.
I keep hard boiled eggs and string cheese, and low fat chedder cheese sticks in the refrigerator for snacks, along with baby carrots, and other fruits and vegs. We gradually switched from whole milk to skim.

I think the biggest thing was learning to read labels and reducing the amount of fat in our diet, but making reduced fat or low fat subs when I could.

I don't beat myself up if I slip up and I do allow myself treats like a dark chocolate in small amounts, for me not having it in the house made a big difference. If it was there, I was going to eat it, now if I really want it , I have to go out to get it, which makes checking those cravings easier.

As far as exercise, I usually walk, but since I have spent the better part of the last year in Physical Therapy for the tendonitis in my ankle , and then a knee injury, I have been getting very regular exercise in a variety of methods there.

My words of wisdom would be to start small, the baby steps are much easier to do then the giant leaps. Set obtainable goals, and it will be much easier.

Re: Easy diet tips???

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 2:18 am
by meheeeen
Go vegeterian for lunch!
There is no way I could ever commit to being a full time vegeterian, but going on a no-meat just for lunch diet has helped me a lot. Also, that's my ONLY criteria. That way I never feel like I'm pressuring myself, because there are lots of veg options that are yummy and I don't count calories, or anything like that.

Another thing, if you feel hungry, you might actually be dehydrated so get a full glass of water and see if your stomach is still rumbling after. I don't know if there is a link yet to drinking lots of water and getting a faster metabolism, but I remember reading about a test where a dehydrated animal's metabolism slowed as much as 17%.

Eating out smarter helps too. I don't eat at chain restaurants or fast food places (except In-n-Out!) and I've found that overall the food is healthier, tastier, and I feel better about spending my money to support local restaurants.

And I think my #1 tip would be... never deny yourself a cookie if you want one. Cookies are good. It's not worth feeling bad about yourself over cookies, they exist to make us feel good.

Re: Easy diet tips???

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 11:45 am
by zeebs
1. make sure you're eating enough REALLY HEALTHY foods. this way, you won't have room for junk, and less of an urge to snack. I like to set some number of fruits I must eat per day - and I don't get to cheat with apple pie. The fruit must be whole and unprocessed in order to count. So maybe 3 servings of fruit. And then some number of vegetables - and no, vegetables on pizza don't count. They have to be whole and unprocessed. Maybe 5 of those. And then a serving of lean protein, preferably meat, hemp, or sprouted grain, as those are complete proteins. That's already 9 things you've got to eat in a day and if you're planning for that, snacking kind of takes a back seat.

IDK how "easy" that is, but losing weight isn't about quick fixes, it's about lifestyle changes.

2. drink lots of WATER. if you have to flavor it, use cucumbers or fruit, that way, you're not adding chemical flavors and sweeteners to your body, plus you get to count them in your total for #1.

3. don't be too strict. if you want cake, eat cake... a SMALL piece of cake. if you want chips, eat chips... ONE small bowl of chips. don't eat from the bag! don't eat standing up! if you are going to cheat, cheat big. sit down with a linen napkin and your best plates and make a big deal out of this food that you enjoy so much. and then enjoy it! if you find that you are unable to enjoy your treat after making such a fuss over it, it's likely that you are eating that "treat" because you feel bad about yourself or are dealing with an emotional problem versus you are eating it to be kind to yourself.

as you do this, you may find that the quality of your cheats goes up - you may feel silly putting Doritos on your best china, but you won't feel silly putting homemade cheesecake on it! and the thing about homemade cheesecake is you'll want to share it with friends. so this is good for your social life, too. nobody wants to tell all their friends that they're standing at the kitchen counter eating half a bag of Doritos.... but everybody wants an invitation to eat homemade cheesecake off your best china, and you'll feel good about inviting them!

this takes the "good food, bad food" mentality away and cuts to what is important: why are you eating what you're eating when you're eating it?