Full Disclosure

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Full Disclosure

Post by karen » Wed May 21, 2008 5:58 pm

In the interest of full disclosure- Jen has recently started to do some administrative work on our web site, and our forum (not any other forums)- and answering some of the color questions here on our boards. At my insistence this is something that I felt should be a paid position- she volunteered to be the moderator, and I thought it should be a paid position. We’re not talking astronomical sums of money- it’s a few hours here and there, not even enough to feed her lippie habit. I have not, do not, and will not pay anyone to post messages to message boards or blogs- Jen is one of the girls on the boards, and I didn't want to take that away from her- it's what she's done as long as I've known her, and she does that because she enjoys it- not because I expect that of her. We have an unconditional guarantee on our products and only make money when our customers are happy- paying people to be “spokespeople” for our products is in no one’s best interest, and strictly against Silk Naturals policy.

In the very beginning of the company I made the very conscious decision to only spend money on things that directly benefit our customers- which is why we don't buy advertising in any form- it doesn't really benefit you. I'd rather spend that money on hiring a shipping person, or another CSR, or on research and development- so that you're so happy you tell your friends about us. I like running the company that way- it's more fun for everyone.

Frankly- I needed help, and Jen volunteered. Having everyone help everyone else makes it so I can devote more of my time to doing the other customer service things, shipping, product creation, and all of the other "stuff" that I get to do every day. Jen also does some of our really boring, tedious web site work that I just don't have the patience or inclination to do. She seems to thrive on it- but it's not my forte. Jen's help is part of the reason the last 2 product releases were big- I had the extra time to make them- and her help with the site got them up a lot sooner than they would have been if I had been doing it all myself.

Here's Jen's blog post on the subject:

If you have any questions just let me know.
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Re: Full Disclosure

Post by Xarata » Wed May 21, 2008 8:31 pm

For what it's worth, I think Jen is perfect for the job. From what I know of her and her SN habit (since what? September? I think she jumped in on the big wave around the time i did), Jen would have been doing almost all of those things anyway- posting swatches, FOTD/EOTD, product reviews, and color help on this forum and others. And honestly, I'm sure whatever she is getting paid, she's putting right back into the company to support her SN makeup addiction (that's what i would do with it!).

Silk Natural's has a REALLY big following because frankly, the products- ALL of the products- are top notch. At least half of my eyeshadows and almost all of my lippies are SN and I have never returned a product because none have ever warranted returning. That's just the plain old truth. I guess some people- my guess would be on other forums- are intimidated by such a large following or-if they didn't fall in love with SN themselves- maybe get sick of hearing the raves?

Jen- paid or not, those of us who know you know your reviews and voice would have been there all the way (and HAVE been there all the way). We all love both of you and the entire SN staff- the products kick ass and you just keep doing what you're doing!
"Are you a master of your destiny or a slave to your fear..."

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Re: Full Disclosure

Post by trixiejim » Thu May 22, 2008 12:34 am

Karen, everything you do is top notch! I grow to love SN more every day! I love your honesty, sense of humor (lippie land, I love it! ) :D creativity, colors, prices, fast shipping, I could go on and on.

Thank you for making us all happy!

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Re: Full Disclosure

Post by tizzylou » Thu May 22, 2008 9:35 pm

Jen does a great job on this forum and the other things that she can do from 300+ miles away, I have no problems with her being paid. I'm sure she does what alost of us do wtih a spending money, out it back into a product that we love. In all fairness to Jen I knew that she was a paid employee of your prior to joining the forum, I was privaleged to learn of that when she announced it on the ATM board. I learned of SN early one from her raving about your product and posting swatches on that board, so I know that she would be doing it on this forum whether or not she was paid.

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