Problems with Board?

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Problems with Board?

Post by ~*mikie*~ » Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:22 am

Anybody else having issues a LOT with these boards? Probably MY computer but I do NOT know enough about computers to help myself...I just know posts KEEP GETTING POOFED...& that's not the greatest way to Win Friends & Influence People,lol. Clues?
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Re: Problems with Board?

Post by Rhys » Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:59 pm

It's not just you, Mikie. I think it might be a server problem. Sometimes it helps to copy your post, but when it goes poof for the third time or so - aarrgghh.
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Re: Problems with Board?

Post by ~*mikie*~ » Fri Mar 21, 2008 1:12 pm

Soooooo good to see you back with us, Rhys! I've chalked it up to maintenance or someone tinkering with controls or my own incompetence, ROFL, but it's been getting worse in the past few days. I feel badly for anyone new posting & fear they feel ignored because they've no idea someone's (maybe several someones!) having their answers disappear before their eyes.

How'd your surgery go? I fluffed for you, you know! LOL!

Shall we liven the boards up?

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Re: Problems with Board?

Post by Rhys » Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:13 pm

You better keep fluffing for me! The surgery went extremely well (it was a tiny tumour in a weird location not visible on scan, but the surgeon had a nifty little mini-geiger counter thing so he found it). And it's all out. I have a picture - you want I should send it for proof? :P

But because it was so small, my prognosis is excellent and some of the excruciating bone pain has already gone away. It'll take time for the rest of me to get back to rights cos it did do a fair bit of damage, but it looks like most/all of it will reverse.

Did have a nasty reaction the the anaesthetic (yuck, but I always do), but got back to New York last night. My scar is going to be almost invisible (it's only a little over an inch, got a steri-strip on it now, plastic surgery close with the stitches underneath).

The exhausted is starting to catch up with me a bit today - let's see - Monday, fly to Tampa, Tuesday, have surgery, Tuesday night and Wednesday, be sick from the anaesthetic, Thursday, fly to New York. So maybe I earned my tired, but I'm feeling a lot better than I thought I'd be at this point.

And everybody there was super-nice to me. I'd like to go back sometime for a holiday - Ybor City, where I was staying, is an old historic Cuban district - looked really pretty, wish I'd had more chance to explore.

So keep doing our makeup for us for a few days, ok?

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Re: Problems with Board?

Post by ~*mikie*~ » Fri Mar 21, 2008 5:41 pm

*Of COURSE* I'll keep fluffing ~ I do even on days when I don't get out of my loungies, like today. Playing Plush off Lush is an unexpected's one of those deals where a color I have to wear very carefully (Plush) gets the necessary cooling off by Lush.

Glad the tumor is *OUT* & that the prognosis is good! Being exhausted is good for you ~ it'll knock you out & *allow* you some downtime for healing purposes. Flying is exhausting all in itself, let alone after surgery. Thankfully, I go under anesthesia like a charm & haven't ever been sickened by it ~ I *have* awakened VERY mean & nasty from it twice, though..thankfully temporary (I think, LOL!!!). That your pain has lessened is great news! Bet you'll be better than ever by the time the MOAC is ready to be released!

Yesterday we had our 1st SPRING snowfall of the year, hehehhehehe...the joys of Spring in NY...

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Re: Problems with Board?

Post by Xarata » Sat Mar 22, 2008 1:36 am

part of the problem i've had is accidentally hitting "save" instead of "submit" and if you hit the back button on your browser to change it, it resets the window which really sucks.
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Re: Problems with Board?

Post by karen » Sat Mar 22, 2008 1:42 am

I about cried when I saw the snow this morning! I was so depressed I had to go to Macy's with my mother after work and buy a new purse (they're having a fab sale- I got a Liz Claiborne purse for $15- down from $70) just to cheer myself up. It's bad when I have to hit the purses- normally a new lippie cheers me up just fine- but today I had "hit the hard stuff" to bring me out of my funk. It's all relative though- when I lived in Cortland I remember that it snowed during finals week in MAY.

My husband did something to the database this evening- I understand computers about as much as he understands lipgloss- but he said to let him know if there are anymore issues.
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Re: Problems with Board?

Post by ~*mikie*~ » Sat Mar 22, 2008 10:31 am

Yep! I see new doodads here & there! Figured it must be maintenance/tweaking of some sort.

The snow *disgusted* me,LOL! We have an older home (arched doorways, hardwood floors, actual outbuildings *including* an old outhouse!) & our computers are in the dining room which overlooks the sunporch >>> clear view of the snow every time I looked away from the screen. I've been so color-hungry for *Spring* that I ordered 3 stained glass panels for the sunporch before going to work the other morning.
stained glass.jpg
stained glass.jpg (21.8 KiB) Viewed 5056 times
What I like is that they have no background panel ~ the outline is the actual outline...baskets of flowers. They're large ~ 19"x24" ~ 400 pcs of glass in them ~ they'll be great in the sunroom windows. (The sunporch is *my* room ~ I painted it glossy lavender with aqua trim ~ the carpet is all teals & aqua ~ chair cushions have lavender/sage in them. It's a very unfussy & casual room & I *love* it.) I definitely understand Retail Therapy,LOL!
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Re: Problems with Board?

Post by Rhys » Sat Mar 22, 2008 2:12 pm

The panels sound great. I'm sorrry you guys got snow today - glad it didn't get as far as NYC, though retail therapy is always A Good Thing :)

Still tired, but I fluffed myself a bit today. Good sign, I think.

I'm about to murder the cats (and I usually like animals). They destroyed eight of my makeup brushes whilst I was gone - needed a new toy. And no, despite what their owners say, it's not cute. You don't want to know about the shampoo fiasco this morning either. They get into everything!

Ah, I'm cranky. Maybe that's a good sign, too. Or not :o :?:
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Re: Problems with Board?

Post by Xarata » Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:12 pm

Snow? Snow? I live in Southern IL. We got killed by snow in February but for March it's been RAIN! It's actually been pretty nice this week. A little chilly today though (I HOPE there's no more snow. I've had enough snow...)

MY funk has been more along the "terrible awful no good very bad day" sort. yesterday I woke up to a flat tire, picked up a GOW package marked "Received without contents"-an empty box, went to work, came home and had the last fight(internet no less) i ever intend to have with my sister (until she can stop talking to me and the world the way she does), and then my boyfriend- who decided to walk home instead of call me to come get him- got shot in a driveby a block from home! Thankfully it was only with a BB gun but don't i feel downright safe. I have spent the whole morning baking (cupcakes, peanutbutter eggs, panorama eggs) and cleaning. AND I got a tester package from SN today and saw my name on the blush contest list so that all brightened my mood considerably. :)

I'm glad kinks with site are getting worked out. I do see little changes here and there (like the "post a reply" button). It's very cool that your dh is so good with computers!
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