Problems with Board?

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Re: Problems with Board?

Post by ~*mikie*~ » Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:48 pm

YAY for those of you who won! I flunked miserably, ROFL! No harm done, & it's amazing I even entered! I flunked Blush101,LOL!

Glad your bf wasn't seriously hurt, Samantha. Must have been scary, BB gun or not. Glad a package brightened your day after all.

Rhys, cranky *IS* a good sign! My 2 furfools could NOT be trusted around natural-hair brushes ~ Abie LOVED to steal my Asquirrel kabuki, & since I wash brushes very often it was an ongoing battle. I bought a 4-drawer plastic thing at Lowe's...a small cube w/multicolored drawers for paper clips & whatnot. Instead of "pulls", it has holes to poke your finger in to pull out a drawer. Since I prefer short-handled brushes since I'm blind as a bat, that's where brushes go to dry. Thwarted Abie. ;) Thankfully, since I switched to synthetics, he's not interested in them!

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Re: Problems with Board?

Post by karen » Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:45 am

Those panels sound gorgeous! I love stained glass- our new studio space was a stained glass studio and it's one of the things I love about it. I know that some of it will disappear as they clean it out- but I hope a few of the panels stay.

Rhys- did you hide catnip with your makeup stash? My sister used to have a cat that hid pens and lighters under the carpets when she was feeling unloved- that was cute- but chewing brushes- I agree- not cute at all.

Oh Sam- that is a rotten day. Let's hope tomorrow is better. That driveby sounds scary- that was way too much to handle- even if it was a bb gun- those puppies can really sting and leave a welt (aaah siblings)! I grew-up out in the country- so I was pretty used to the sound of gunfire- and when I moved to "the city" I had to learn how to flinch. The sound is the same, but it's a lot scarier when you know they probably aren't aiming for a paper target or a deer.

Have a great Easter!
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Re: Problems with Board?

Post by ~*mikie*~ » Sun Mar 23, 2008 9:36 am

Hoppy happy Easter to all of you!

Karen, I dearly hope some of the stained glass remains in the studio when it's ready for move-in time. That would/will be *grand* inspiration while playing with colors all day!

Our Willie (girl) is older & doesn't bother anything at all but Abie (boy) whom you see often is a mischief-maker. Before I got addicted to the KisserSlickers, I always just made my own & did them in teeny 3gm pots ~ discovered the hard way that they made excellent little hockey pucks on hardwood, ROFL!

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Re: Problems with Board?

Post by tizzylou » Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:38 pm

I had to laugh when reading about the lippies jars making great hockey pucks for your furry baby. My most mischievious(sp) cat Smokey thinks that q-tips and even eye shadow jars are play things if left where he can get to them. I guess to an animal (either cat or puppy)the whole workd is a plaything and they plan on taking full advantage of it. Hope everybody had a Happy Easter.
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Re: Problems with Board?

Post by ~*mikie*~ » Mon Mar 24, 2008 4:03 am

Oooooh, yes, Q-tips are a favorite toy! Have NO clue why my hubby has to wander while drying his ears :roll: ~ but I find an abandoned Q-tip regularly, much the worse for having been a temporary plaything! This little guy LOVES them!
lil mikie lil abie.jpg
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Re: Problems with Board?

Post by Rhys » Mon Mar 24, 2008 3:33 pm

The hellbeast...uhhh...chaos agent decided to destroy my laptop keyboard last night and it looks like it can't be fixed. Now I'm REALLY ripped. Hopefully will be able to find another k/b to pop into it. I know I can plug in a regular one, but when a bunch of the keys are missing and you're typing on the springs underneath...aarrgghh...tends to shorten the lifespan of the laptop considerably.

And really, I usually do like animals. Just never seen anything like these two cats. But this is getting beyond ridiculous.
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Re: Problems with Board?

Post by ~*mikie*~ » Mon Mar 24, 2008 5:10 pm

Oh, dear! I'd be plenty upset, too! I take it these are not your cats? That you are not at home? Not trying to pry, really! But can't the ~ well, now how absurd of me ~ I should be ashamed, hehe...I was going to say it's a shame the owners can't control the cats ~ but there usually is VERY little that can be done to "control" cats. They do not look for approval as dogs do...& your being upset is probably the highlight of their day, sorry to say. BUT I can think of 2 deterrents ~ a spray bottle of water &/or cottonballs with scent on them...cats dislike perfumey scented cottonballs near anything that's YOURS may deter them. Hope someone jumps in with advice.

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Re: Problems with Board?

Post by Rhys » Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:04 am

Hmmm....interesting, Mikie. They are my hosts' cats. And one of my hosts may be allergic to perfume (but I think maybe just people taking baths in it cos I've worn it here and she didn't even notice). But if the damned cats would....

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