Bridal makeup - tips & tricks

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Bridal makeup - tips & tricks

Post by bellatete » Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:10 pm

hello y'all!

i was wondering if anyone here on the forum can help me nail down my bridal makeup kit for my wedding next year (july). most importantly, i need advice on the suitability of mineral foundation for photography (light reflection and all that) and colour suggestions.

on a daily basis:
- i wear a light layer of mineral foundation mixed with zinc powder and equalizer
- if i have time in the morning i do a one colour wash with black eyeliner and mascara
- if i have less time, just eyeliner and mascara
- even less time, just mascara
- subtle blush and matching lippie

the wedding will be outdoors, on a beach and the dresscode is really casual (flipflops and no suits), so i really wanna keep my makeup along those lines as well. also, the wedding colours are different shades of blue.

so far, i have a few blushes and lippies shortlisted:
- petal
- flirt
- soft
- carnation (just ordered that)

i know, they are all in the pink area. maybe peach would be more complementary to the blue colour scheme. peachy-pink maybe... i am also a bit worried that my subtle colour choices will not show up on the photos.

if it helps, i can post a photo of myself. just don't have one with me right now.

pleeeaaaase, help me!! i can see myself turning into bridezilla already :shock:

thanks lovies!!

edit: i found a recent photo, but compressing it changed the colours a bit (i'm not that red normally, so please imagine me with more yellow undertones). i am wearing my usual foundation, a bit of bronzer from another brand, maiden on my lips and black eyeliner and mascara.
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Re: Bridal makeup - tips & tricks

Post by Xarata » Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:03 pm

FACE: Since you'll be in natural sunlight, I wouldn't worry too much about your foundation looking odd on camera. However, you have beautiful skin and I know my skin always looks its best in the summer, so you could probably let some good rest and a cold mask take care of any circles you might have and use a blush and bronzer to perk up your complexion without using a foundation at all. The new blush that was just released (appeal) would be a stunner. If you don't have a favorite bronzer, i recommend malibu miss as a subtle but buildable shade.

PERMANANCE: Definitely use a shadow primer and a lipstain (trust me, there's no time for touchups on your wedding day).

EYES: I would use more satins, eyelights, and mattes than shimmers since that beach sun will really reflect off of anything sparkly you have on. For my own wedding, I tried to use colors I knew were flattering rather than coordinate with anything, but I also kept it really simple and all of my pictures were in the dark/at night (which means the most striking photos are not in color. lol) I think peaches would look lovely on you. I have warm skin and have a lot of trouble with blue shadows, so my recommendation would be that unless you're really confident with blue shadow, not to incorporate it. If you wanted to use peach on your eyes, the cloudberry/daquiri/sweet tea combo is always lovely. The touch of brown really adds dimension. I like to add a pale yellow/cream hilite to the inner corners.

LIPS: You have a ton of options for lips, but i stand by the recommendation of a stain. For a peach, I use a thin coat of trixie and blot it lighter. A trick to make it go on fainter is to apply the stain over a gloss and blend the two. Your lips still get stained, but it's a little more goof proof.

Beyond that, I give you the same advice I give every bride and the mantra I had for my entire wedding: At the end of the day, you're married, and that's really all that matters. If it rains, it rains. So what, you can still married. It doesn't matter if the cake falls over or a bridesmaid busts a seam or the flowers weren't the way you wanted. At the end of the day, you're married, and that's really all that matters.
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Re: Bridal makeup - tips & tricks

Post by bellatete » Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:39 am

thanks xarata, both for your elaborate answer and the encouragement at the end. the bridezilla in me has calmed down a bit :D and thanks for the compliment on my skin :oops: but it's really not that great. i owe it all to karen's foundation.

i will most probably go for an all-neutral matte eye, as you suggested (i never intended to wear blue eyeshadow, although paranormal would make a stunning eyeliner :lol: but no, not on my wedding day). probably bone on the lid, a light tan contour in the crease and my trusty old black liner.

for cheeks and lips i am torn between pink and peach. i don't really know what suits me better, most pink blushes turn peachy on my anyway because of my yellow undertones. nonetheless i am wondering, what would look better in a blue "environment" (decoration, the sea, the sky etc.)? shall i opt for pink, as a cool relative of blue, or would peach be a nice warm contrast. omg, i feel bridezilla grumbling again...
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