Newbie foundation question

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Newbie foundation question

Post by Cupcake » Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:07 pm

Hi ladies :)

I'm excitedly awaiting my first order of eyeshadows after a kind friend gave me a sample of SN blush and I fell in love with the texture. I use Everyday Minerals just now and my skin tone is extremely pale, midway between Sandy Fair and Golden Fair - that is, virtually white with a slight yellow undertone and a lesser undertone of pink. I'm sure there's not olive tones, I never tan and I have a lot of pink-redness from living in harsh weather near the ocean. My skin is very oily, open pores and fine lines around the eyes. I'm early thirties.

EDM foundation is fine for paleness of colour, but their formulas make me look chalky and pasty, even with a light-handed application it makes my skin look like I've had the flu for a week. I feel as though their foundation formula needs some sort of carrier to make it smoother, easier to use.

Would SN foundation suit me? The texture of the blush I sampled gave me so much hope that SN range would be more forgiving and have a better finish. Any advice would be appreciated - thanks.
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Re: Newbie foundation question

Post by JenW » Tue Oct 14, 2008 6:44 pm

All I can really suggest is that you give it a sample. In all honesty, we all have differing opinions on which foundation we like the best. I started out using Everyday Minerals and ended up here. Silk Naturals finish is the most similar to Everyday Minerals Semimatte, but still a little different. I find it is perfect for everyday set with Perfecting Powder, and if I need a little extra dewyness, I use the Perfecting Glows. You also have a choice of coverage. SN uses a few more ingredients than Everyday Minerals to help with the oilyness, help your skin retain moisture, and make it stay on your skin a little better.

You will probably be a little bit Buttery Gold, and a little bit Ebony, and a ton of Ivory!! I am guessing a 1 scoop Buttery to 12 or so scoops Ivory with a sprinking of Ebony.
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Email a pic for foundation help: colorquestions dot silkmakeup at gmail dot com
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Re: Newbie foundation question

Post by Cupcake » Tue Oct 14, 2008 6:50 pm

Great! Thanks very much for the reply, it's so much better to get a guiding hand when trying new things. That advice has me optimistic, too, that the skin-texture finish will be softer and gentler. I highly rate EDM, but the one niggle is that a light layer of matte on me looks like several thick layers of intensive on other people - pasty. Perhaps the finishing powders will make a difference, but I'm looking forward to trying the SN formula and, from what I've heard about the inclusion of silk being of benefit to the skin and helping cope with oiliness, I'm very hopeful.

Thanks again, I appreciate your good advice!
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Re: Newbie foundation question

Post by Cupcake » Fri Oct 17, 2008 10:12 am

Is it nuts to be this :D excited :mrgreen: awaiting the arrival of my first Silk Naturals orders... (yes, orders lol plural! haha) I've ordered the harmony foundation sample kit, a sample of the perfecting powder, a clone of BB lippy 'Slopes' (Regal?) to see if it's as good as I hear - oh, and one each of the limited edition lippies in Monarch and Carpe Diem - completely gorgeous looking colours. They'd be perfect colours for me even if they weren't on special - but boy, how special a special is that! How very cool SN support such a good cause.

Thanks again for the advice. Oh and thanks a lot for the swatch gallery here in the forum, that's a huge help and a brilliant idea. -x-
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Re: Newbie foundation question

Post by ~*mikie*~ » Sat Oct 18, 2008 4:27 am

Helena ~ If you're excited *now*, wait'll you get your package(s)!!! ROFL! Seriously, this stuff IS THAT GOOD ~ & I am SOOOOOO tickled you got Carpe Diem & Monarch! You'll flip! AND it's a *wonderful* cause! Happy you're here!
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Re: Newbie foundation question

Post by Cupcake » Sat Oct 18, 2008 8:42 am

I just got my first parcel!!!! Brace yourselves, this will involve a lot of squealing!! :D My second order is still pending, but the first got here in just 4 days to the UK.

I received Rizzo, Plush, Quartize, Brimstone, Slick, Chocolate Twinkle and Idolize eyeshadows, a colourless Cream Eyeliner (which I've heard praised to the rooftops) a free gift Superstar eyeshadow, a baggie sample of Cherub and it all came in gorgeous pink wrapping paper and with instructions! That made it feel like girlie Christmas, unwrapping it made me feel really special like it was a present :) The freebies are divine!

I honestly don't know where to start, I'm overwhelmed! The quality of the eyeshadows is amazing. The texture and feel is heavenly, they are by far the easiest to use and apply that I've ever had, mineral and non-mineral included. I'm not quite sure how to express this exactly, but I am speechlessly impressed with them. (which kinda makes it hard to write gushing praise, being gob-smacked!) The colours are so complex and crafted, they are like none other. I've tried Fyrinnae, EDM, Bare Escentuals and pretty much all the big name brands in the UK - these have a complexity of composition which defy belief for the price they are sold at. More than just colour though, the appearance / the finish / how they look - that's genius. It's the most perfect balance of colour pigment and evenness, softness, gentleness, they don't glare, they don't look garish... it's midday here and that flat white daylight of a rainy day, yet these colour look as amazing in full daylight as they do in secluded shadow, all the colour depth and complexity is there, all the subtle shimmer is there - there's no day-glo bling of glitter, no dazzle of ultra-shiny mica that looks okay in soft light and looks bright enough to redirect air traffic in daylight... I am so over the moon with how these shadows are so exquisitely beautiful and they made me look like a lady, not like a 14 year old - I haven't even gotten to explaining how sophisticated each colour is yet - and they are, quite simply, the most luxuriously crafted colours that I've seen on the open market and on a par with a famous Knightsbridge, London boutique which crafts bespoke colours to individuals and charge a year's mortgage payments for the privilege.

So... shall I just mail you my credit card now, or would the owner like to be a co-signatory on my bank account to skip the ordering formalities... :D :D :D

Thank you SO much - I haven't been this happy with make up in as long as I can remember, and I've been blessed to have some of the best to play with. Yours excels.
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Re: Newbie foundation question

Post by ~*mikie*~ » Sat Oct 18, 2008 10:13 am

*Happy Dance* time! Helena, you got two of my favorite colors in Brimstone & Slick! LOVE them! SN colors are a LOT of fun, & I'm finding they get better & better with each new release. Just plan Silk Naturals into your budget & you'll be a happy camper!

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Re: Newbie foundation question

Post by karen » Sat Oct 18, 2008 12:26 pm

Welcome to SN! Wow- now I'm speachless- really and truly, that's wonderful to have someone really really happy- and to be ranked up there with Knightsbridge boutiques. You almost made me cry.

Thank you so much for the kind words- you really made my day.
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Re: Newbie foundation question

Post by Cupcake » Sat Oct 18, 2008 1:06 pm

It'll be several days before the smile that receiving your beautiful eyeshadows put on my face begins to wane, if I can return the favour with due praise, it's a good day. You beat the likes of Cosmetics a la Carte boutique and Harrods upper floor spa any day :)

I have all eight swatched on the back of my hand because I can't decide which to wear. That's how good they are. :)
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Re: Newbie foundation question

Post by kitten1711 » Wed Oct 22, 2008 4:51 am

Hi Helena,

I am a fellow UK customer who is a convert from EM - I have had 2 lovely Silk Naturals parcels already and currently awaiting a 3rd - and absolutely LOVE how silky these products are & how true the eye shadow colours stay (not to mention how ludicrously quickly SN packages arrive in comparison).

My first ever foundation sample kit is en route with my next order and am so looking forward to pottering around to create my perfect shade - as someone who's skin would tan at the drop of a hat if I let it but goes an almost pale green shade in winter, I am hopeful that I won't have redundant jars of something I *think* looks right (but actually isn't) in my bathroom cabinet any more.

I am also early 30's and particularly excited about using the medium coverage SN foundation as I have melasma. Apart from hopefully giving me the coverage I will need to even out my skin tone I was very interested to see that the 2 ingredients listed first were titanium dioxide & zinc oxide - the main components of physical sunscreens (I currently us EM Natural Reflections finishimg powder but even as a sun protective product the main ingredient in that is still mica).

I think my next parcel will arrive after the weekend so that's something to look forward to next monday!!!!

Enjoy your new things.

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