Let's chat about lipgloss...

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Re: Let's chat about lipgloss...

Post by royalgoddessbeth » Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:47 pm

I have actually experimented with St. Tropez already.

I layered it over Eternal, and it looks really pretty- makes the color shimmery, which I prefer to matte in the first place.
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Re: Let's chat about lipgloss...

Post by 4wheel » Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:43 pm

JenK wrote:
4wheel wrote:Beer !!! how about a flavored rum too :D :D I get mine tomorrow to try out...woo-hoo! :) :)
How about kahlua or bailey's irish cream for light weights like me. Spiced rum would be nice!! Tequila anything is good!
LOL are all those possible???
I got my order today and love all of the lippies. Barcrelona is my lest fave because of the color. But the Butter Cream lip glaze is nice in it. Tahitian Vanilla..yummy!! Thanks Karen and I hope more bright colors come out in the plumping glosses.....like a blue pink!! ;)
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Re: Let's chat about lipgloss...

Post by Kahani » Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:45 pm

Ooh hope I'm not too late. To be honest, I think Karen's current lippies smell yummy but I live in a crazy hot country and some days I just can't face something sweet and vanilla smelling. So my ideal flavour is peppermint or a light berry - sweetness optional.

I love the formula of the sheer kisser slickers - like damsel, soft and rareberry. A glossy tint or stain in a tube. And the shade of pink i'm currently on the hunt for is one that duplicates Benefit's Posietint - clear bright with enough warm undertones to be natural. PLus it makes me look awake and younger. =P
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Re: Let's chat about lipgloss...

Post by feyith » Sat Jun 12, 2010 11:56 pm

I just wanted to reiterate my undying love for St. Tropez. I have never wanted to marry a lip gloss before. :lol:

As for flavors, here is the most amazing tasting lip balm I have ever tried: Raspberry Lemonade!!! :mrgreen:
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Re: Let's chat about lipgloss...

Post by Devlyn » Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:18 am

Emma, I love that blistex lip balm too! It's the only non-natural lip balm I have left. I leave it in my car and it takes me back to summer everytime I put it on, that and Booster Juice's smoothie like it.
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Re: Let's chat about lipgloss...

Post by trixiejim » Tue Nov 23, 2010 4:41 pm

karen wrote:What would you like in your hands down HG lippie? Start from scratch- do you want a liquid, or a tube- do you want it sweet, or flavored? What colors would you like? How glossy do you want it? What would the texture feel like? How long should it last on your lips before you consider it long lasting? Oh, and the plumping- I'm torn on using it. The plumper that we use is natural, doesn't sting, and it's actually really good for you- it has about the anti-oxidant power of Vitamin C (whic I've never gotten to really work in a lippie without stinging). Would you absolutely refuse to use a plumping product?

I'm at a bit of a crossroads with the new formula and suffering from a bit of choice paralysis. I know what you may love may not be someone else's HG- but let's daydream and chat.
I know I'm a little late in chiming in on this post, but I do have some things to say about SN lippies.

First, I am abolutely in love, addicted, crazy about them !!!!!!!!! I have all the versions but Black Label (in my cart as we speak) and the Kisser Slickers are my favorites. I just love the smooth, soft, moisturizing texture, and when I can smell it, the smell of vanilla is my number one love!!! The first lippies I bought were in 2008 and those seemed to have more vanilla in them than they do now. As a matter of fact, I don't even sense the smell which makes me very sad :( Has the flavoring formula changed in the last two years or is it just me? I want to smell more vanilla. I don't taste it; I just smell it, and it is divine :) It's actually what I love most about SN lippies and what I think most distinguishes it from all other lippies. I like the way it is a light, delightful vanilla and not a heavy, warm vanilla.

So Karen, you can't improve on perfection with your Kisser Slickers, but I would just say, please add more vanilla to them.

I just got my first liquid gloss in the wand, and the color is stunning (Delacoeur), the texture is light but nice, the flavor is yummy, but the tube is too small. I feel like I'm going to run out in about 2 weeks with regular use. So I would say how about bigger tubes? I'd be willing to pay a little more for bigger ones.

I am a pink lover and my favorites are sparkly and cool. The more sparkle the better! Speaking of sparkle, "Sparkle" is one of my favorite colors, but the vegan version isn't as opaque/white and sparkly as the regular version back from 2008. I would LOVE to see i topaguer whiter and sparklier again, like it was originally. It did such a great job of lightening up a darker color. The vegan version doesn't do that well for me at lightening up a dark color. I just got gleaming and I love it too! It's more opaque and lightens up dark colors well, but is a warm color and Sparkle is cool.

I would not refuse to wear a plumper as long as it didn't sting and taste like peppermint. Peppermint irritates my nose and lips and I don't like it at all (like Burt's Bees - all pepperminty - yuck!).

Thanks for asking our opinions, Karen, and better late than never, right?! :D

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