20 Questions!

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Re: 20 Questions!

Post by KingTaco » Wed Nov 18, 2009 2:29 am

1. Where are you from?Los Angeles
2. Where is that exactly?Southern California
3. Tell us about that state/area! Time to brag!Everything in the world is either here or close by
4. What decade were you born?70s
5. Tell us about a (perhaps completely useless) MAD skill you have! erm
6. How many languages do you speak? What are they?English and Spanish, and I'm struggling with Korean
7. Do you like to travel? Where have you been?US, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Canada, Japan, Vietnam, and I love love love Mexico. Next up - Iceland!
8. Do you eat breakfast? What do you usually have?Coffee, cottage cheese, banana, protein shake
9. What are your pet peeves?GUM SNAPPING
10. What are your hobbies?working out, reading, playing with makeup
11. What got you into mineral makeup in the first place?I liked Neutrogena Sheer Minerals, but the lightest shade was too dark
12. What do you do for a living?I am unemployed!
13. How do you personally apply mineral foundation?dry with a flat-top or long-handled kabuki
14. What are your favourite eye shadow colors?purples and greys and oranges
15. What are your favourite lip colors?Avon Glazewear in Charmed Rose. I bought 15 when it was being discontinued
16. Are you bad at anything (you can totally say no....everyone knows most SN girls are perfect in every way)?I'm bad at A LOT of things
17. Are you married? What's your favorite thing about your spouse?unmarried
18. Do you have any kids/pets?a cat named Maisie that I adopted from the shelter where I volunteer. She just turned 1
19. How many makeup brushes are you using personally?probably 6 on a normal day
20. What's the strangest job you ever had?Assembling tin soldiers in some guy's garage every Saturday for a year when I was in law school
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Re: 20 Questions!

Post by sewwies » Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:51 am

1. Where are you from? Conwy, but in uni in Birmingham
2. Where is that exactly? Conwy's on the North Wales coast, half way along, and it's gorgeous! Birmingham's kind of in the middle of England, to the left a bit hehe.
3. Tell us about that state/area! Time to brag!Conwy - Castle, sea, mountains, lovely walks! Birmingham's a bit grey and dull in comparison, but great shops and nights out
4. What decade were you born? Late 80s
5. Tell us about a (perhaps completely useless) MAD skill you have! I can flip my tongue upside down both ways and wiggle it, tie a cherry stalk in a knot in my mouth, remain irritatingly happy near on all of the time :)
6. How many languages do you speak? What are they? English obviously, a teeny tiny bit of French and a fair bit of Welsh
7. Do you like to travel? Where have you been? I hope to do more travelling once I finish uni and earn some money, but so far I've stayed pretty close to home mostly, France, Spain, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Holland, Turkey and Florida.
8. Do you eat breakfast? What do you usually have? It changes depending how much time I have - this morning I had peanut butter and a banana on toast (it's yummy try it!), usually something toasty or cerealy
9. What are your pet peeves? I can't stand the sound of people brushing their teeth, I don't mind the sound of me brushing my teeth but the noise when other people do really goes through me!
10. What are your hobbies? Sailing, reading, and being a student hehe 'socialising' ;)

11. What got you into mineral makeup in the first place? Magazines going on about how wonderful it is and bad skin!
12. What do you do for a living? Student Radiographer, for 26 weeks a year I take x-rays and the rest of the time I'm in uni
13. How do you personally apply mineral foundation? Round top out of the lid of my jar! Flat top if I'm going out
14. What are your favourite eye shadow colors? Plummy greys, browns, blacks
15. What are your favourite lip colors? Berry type colours, stains with balms
16. Are you bad at anything (you can totally say no....everyone knows most SN girls are perfect in every way)? Organisation, remembering important things, keeping focussed and singing!
17. Are you married? What's your favorite thing about your spouse? Nope, have a wonderful boyfriend though!
18. Do you have any kids/pets? Nope
19. How many makeup brushes are you using personally? 4 minimum, but I have loads and try to use them all when I'm going out in the evening
20. What's the strangest job you ever had? Crab dresser..!
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Re: 20 Questions!

Post by xraisonxdetre » Wed Nov 18, 2009 9:55 pm

1. Where are you from? SoCal!
2. Where is that exactly? southern california haha
3. Tell us about that state/area! Time to brag! nice weather, beaches, good variety of food (i looove trying new things!), movie stars! hehe
4. What decade were you born? late 80s :D
5. Tell us about a (perhaps completely useless) MAD skill you have! I'm really goot at scheduling..haha I just love planning and scheduling..I dont know why. I <3 my planner.
6. How many languages do you speak? What are they? english, bengali, some french but not really
7. Do you like to travel? Where have you been? i LOVE to travel! But alas..have not been to too many places. I've been to India, Thailand, and Mexico.
8. Do you eat breakfast? What do you usually have? I never ate breakfast, but once I started work, I found that eating breakfast at work was a good way to procrastinate. So, I eat one of these three: Smores poptart, frozen turkey sausage muffin, cereal
9. What are your pet peeves? i hate any small repetitive noise
10. What are your hobbies? make up...
11. What got you into mineral makeup in the first place? i went to get a microderm done and the lady asked what make up i was using, I said MAC, and she said that ur skin shows that thats what u use..try switching to mineral. That freaked me out so I've been using mmu ever since.
12. What do you do for a living? i obsess over SN..haha. I work at a small healthcare company
13. How do you personally apply mineral foundation? baby kabuki, then spray my face
14. What are your favourite eye shadow colors? fire, wheat penny, burnished, papyrus, bright!
15. What are your favourite lip colors? bitten, nectar
16. Are you bad at anything (you can totally say no....everyone knows most SN girls are perfect in every way)? i'm bad at following through with my goals lol..sad but true.
17. Are you married? What's your favorite thing about your spouse? Not married, but have a long time boyfriend :) I just love how dependable and caring he is. (and hes prettyyyy darn cute too if I may add!)
18. Do you have any kids/pets? Not yet! Kids and yorkie to be coming!
19. How many makeup brushes are you using personally? I have a lot...but the ones I use the most are the EcoTools baby kabuki, ELF flat top, Studio Tools dual fiber
20. What's the strangest job you ever had? umm..never really had any super weird ones..I worked retail and I was always put in charge of the dressing room, and by the end of my shift my knuckles would be red and swollen from knocking on the dressing room doors for 8 hrs haha
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Re: 20 Questions!

Post by ladycattat » Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:09 pm

Ok, am I slow? Is there a way to get the 20 questions printed up on my reply form? (so all I have to do is answer...if that makes sense)...I am such a slow typer that it will take me HOURS to fill it out.
90 Medium
5 BG
5.5 yellow

HG: Sheer Zinc Powder
and Equalizer
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Re: 20 Questions!

Post by JenW » Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:13 pm

Hi Laurie.....I copied and pasted from Karen's first post.....[Ctrl c] to copy, [Ctrl v] to paste. Press the two keys in the brackets at the same time.
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1Olive:14 Ivory
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Re: 20 Questions!

Post by cait » Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:04 am

1. Where are you from? Chicago
2. Where is that exactly? Midwest is best
3. Tell us about that state/area! Time to brag! Chi-town, Second City, I can't imagine living in any other place. Total urbanite and Southsider all the way.
4. What decade were you born? 1980s
5. Tell us about a (perhaps completely useless) MAD skill you have! I play the drums :D
6. How many languages do you speak? What are they? Polish, French, Spanish, German, Hebrew (although I'm forgetting most of it) The first three are the ones in which I'm fluent.
7. Do you like to travel? Where have you been? I haven't in a while, but I've been to Poland, Great Britain, Germany, France, Austria, Greece, Mexico, and Montreal. My dream destination is Morocco.
8. Do you eat breakfast? What do you usually have? I usually have a banana, oatmeal, and Ceylon or chai tea.
9. What are your pet peeves? unpunctuality
10. What are your hobbies? reading, baking (really into bread lately) cooking, cycling, running, yoga, knitting

11. What got you into mineral makeup in the first place? A mua friend suggested I look into it after many bad reactions and several bouts with acne. So much better for my skin.
12. What do you do for a living? Ph.D student in English Ed. and copy editor/freelancer
13. How do you personally apply mineral foundation? usually dry with kabuki or foptic, then spritz with a homemade glycerin/aloe vera concoction
14. What are your favourite eye shadow colors? I totally love Brown Sugar, Bare, Purr, and Gilded, but you should probably ask my blushes as I'm a bit of a blush whore.
15. What are your favourite lip colors? Digging Negligee as well as Maiden, Polished Pink, and Mirabelle. Warmer tones are my friends :lol:
16. Are you bad at anything (you can totally say no....everyone knows most SN girls are perfect in every way)? I'm a terrible housekeeper ;)
17. Are you married? What's your favorite thing about your spouse? Totally single, but sometimes that's a good thing.
18. Do you have any kids/pets? A dog and two cats. Getting a new dog in a week too!
19. How many makeup brushes are you using personally? I don't even know how many I own. Well into the double digits :lol: But I probably use about 5 or 6 in a day
20. What's the strangest job you ever had? Does any remember having to attend puberty/safe sex talks or presentations as kids? In my third year of college, I used to act in a getting-through-puberty-play on Wednesday afternoons for groups of field trip schoolkids :lol:
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Re: 20 Questions!

Post by zooeyblue » Sat Nov 21, 2009 5:50 pm

packgal wrote:It's been fun to read about everyone!
Zooey--how do you say Appalachia correctly? I'm afraid I've been saying it wrong! :oops:
Appa ---like the first syllable of "apple"

lachia---the beginning is like "latch" with HEAVY emphasis on the "tch" sound; this is the important part that tells a true Southerner your roots! ;)
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Re: 20 Questions!

Post by packgal » Sat Nov 21, 2009 6:00 pm

zooeyblue wrote:
Appa ---like the first syllable of "apple"

lachia---the beginning is like "latch" with HEAVY emphasis on the "tch" sound; this is the important part that tells a true Southerner your roots! ;)
thanks for educating me! ;)
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Re: 20 Questions!

Post by Rhys » Sat Nov 21, 2009 7:02 pm

1. Where are you from? Northern Ireland originally, but I live in Vancouver now.
2. Where is that exactly? Left coast of Canada.
3. Tell us about that state/area! Time to brag! Having the highest AIDS, tuberculosis, and poverty rates in the Western world isn't really braggable. On the up, we do have the only real Taoist garden outside of China - take a peek here.
4. What decade were you born? 1940s.
5. Tell us about a (perhaps completely useless) MAD skill you have! Calculating firdaria in my head.
6. How many languages do you speak? What are they? English, Spanish, French, losing my Hebrew and Russian because I never use them. I learnt German twice and forgot it promptly both times, but still can read it and most romance languages.
7. Do you like to travel? Yes. Where have you been? Most of the world except the Far East and Antarctica.
8. Do you eat breakfast? No. What do you usually have? Caffeine and nicotine. Much too much.
9. What are your pet peeves? Construction work. And Wagner.
10. What are your hobbies? Mineral makeup, reading, history, research, cooking, making perfumes.

11. What got you into mineral makeup in the first place? I couldn't wear the regular kind.
12. What do you do for a living? Disabled/retired, but I do horary astrology and write about offbeat European oracles - strangely I get paid for it sometimes.
13. How do you personally apply mineral foundation? With a flat-top brush from a swirly bowl.
14. What are your favourite eye shadow colors? I think there's a cut-off limit to post length! Short version: morphs, purples/violets, greens, golds, pastels.
15. What are your favourite lip colors? Vintage, Copper Rose, XOXO, Beloved, Summer Fling, Infatuation...that post-length thing is gonna come up again.
16. Are you bad at anything (you can totally say no....everyone knows most SN girls are perfect in every way)? I have no sense of direction. And I suck at making money.
17. Are you married? No.
18. Do you have any kids/pets? No.
19. How many makeup brushes are you using personally? On a normal day I use 7 or 8.
20. What's the strangest job you ever had? I have to go with the time I got hired to white-out a single line in insurance policies. Thousands of them. Tens of thousands. I only lasted til noon.
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Re: 20 Questions!

Post by Aden » Mon Nov 23, 2009 5:44 pm

Great topic - it's fun reading about everyone else, so now it's my turn.

1. Where are you from? Adelaide, South Australia, but currently in Narita Japan.
2. Where is that exactly? Southern Australia, on the coast, and Narita is the site of Tokyo's international airport, 60 km northwest of Tokyo.
3. Tell us about that state/area! Time to brag! Adelaide has great beaches (beware of sharks!, and the best wines in Oz.
4. What decade were you born? Dare I say the decade of the Moon Landing.
5. Tell us about a (perhaps completely useless) MAD skill you have! I have a thing for numbers - can remember phone numbers from childhood, and number plates for every car we have owned.
6. How many languages do you speak? What are they? 1 and a half - English and a bit of Japanese - though amazingly I can read it better than I can speak.
7. Do you like to travel? Where have you been? Love it! Most of Europe, Russia, India, lived in China 1 year, Southeast Asia, and southern and eastern Africa. In all about 40ish countries - can you tell its a passion? But have yet to visit Nth and Sth America or Antartica.
8. Do you eat breakfast? What do you usually have? Yep - toast with vegemite - that an Aussie version of Marmite (but better!!)
9. What are your pet peeves?
10. What are your hobbies? Travel, cooking, knitting, jewelry making, anything crafty and creative really.

11. What got you into mineral makeup in the first place? A BM commercial on TV - dudded into Japanese, then an internet search lead me here.
12. What do you do for a living? In Japan - teaching at private college, in Australia Human Resources and adult training.
13. How do you personally apply mineral foundation? Dry with a flat top.
14. What are your favourite eye shadow colors? Neutrals, purples and coppers.
15. What are your favourite lip colors? Warm neutrals - Birthday Suit and Jaybird.
16. Are you bad at anything (you can totally say no....everyone knows most SN girls are perfect in every way)? making decisions and thinking on the spot.
17. Are you married? What's your favorite thing about your spouse? Yes, kind, funny, and doesn't mind cleaning the toilet!
18. Do you have any kids/pets? 2 kids - 3 and 1.
19. How many makeup brushes are you using personally? Everyday about 6.
20. What's the strangest job you ever had None really - they've all been kinda normal.
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