Spring is Live!!!

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Re: Spring is Live!!!

Post by Oxana124 » Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:51 pm

Oxana124 wrote:I know the idea of a clear cream shadow has been mentioned a lot, and I never said anything about it because I figured pouring loose pigment into the little tube container and mixing it up would be impossible for me and I'd rather just buy a premade color.
However, after using the cream shadows for a bit, I do think a clear shadow would be real useful for blending purposes. Let's call it a cream shadow blending gel or something like that. Because there are times I apply a different amount to each eye accidentally and my shadows look different intensities on each eye, and I wish I could just use something to blend one eye a bit more, but once the shadow is dry it is too late. I wish I could re-wet it somehow. Using water doesn't work as it just melts the shadow away completely. Also, it would also be useful for re-wetting your shadow to blend different colors together for a more complex eye look.
So basically some clear gel that would re-wet the cream shadow that is already dry on your eyes and allow you to blend it out again. That would be super useful I think :)
Actually, I just tried it, and Stick 'Em works perfectly for this purpose!
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