My Rosemary Conley Fitness Day

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My Rosemary Conley Fitness Day

Post by Ghost » Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:29 pm

Hi all

I went to my Rosemary conley day today and on man it was brill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Start of the day is coffee and tea, but cunning chris (fellow Rosemary attendee) and I had printed off so bits of paper saying "reserved for corinne's crew" LOL We snuck into the hall and plave them on the first two rows - naughty I know but I was determined to be at the front!!!!

Then we had a talk with rosemary and a talk with rosemary's partner in crime mary (can't remember her last name). Mary works with rosemary to come up with the moves for the exercise regime dvds. Then it was workout time!!!!!

Again I made sure I was at the very front row for this and I gave it my total effort, never in my life have I work so hard. We even had a local newspaper showing up and taking photos :) Fingers crossed for me to be in it!!!!!!

Then lunch and oh my word it was delicious, we had a proper chicken salad with a low fat muller fruit yoghurt.

After lunch me and chris went to line up to get out pics taken with Rosemary, btu the queue was huge so we went into Mary's line to have a chat and our pics taken with her :). This women is sooooo passionate about exercise like you wouldn't believe. She commented to me on how hard I was working in the exercise, which I was sooooo chuffed about and nice of her to say. I totally preened away when she said that to me.

Then I got into the line with the women herself Rosemary and she remembered me from last year (poor women) LOL. She also commented on how hard I was working out and how I knew the moves better then she did LOL. She was doing the workout of one of my fav dvd of hers - soooooooo cool :) Again more preening.

After that it was another talk which I recorded some parts on my phone so give me inspiration when I need it and then of course another workout, but this one more toning.

Then it was people who have lost 3 stone or more were invited on stage to received their certificates. Again rosemary commented on how I knew the routine LOL, then it was Q & A. Lastly we received our goodie bags LOL

All in al it was a great day. I'm absolutely knackered now but oh so happy.

OKay below are some of the pics from the day
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Re: My Rosemary Conley Fitness Day

Post by karen » Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:32 pm

Wow!!!! Look at you, and that flat tummy- you're gorgeous. You must already know this, at least deep down, but I have to at least state the obvious.

Way to go!!!!!!!
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Re: My Rosemary Conley Fitness Day

Post by JenW » Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:44 pm

Way to go, Sarah! I know it is cool to meet your inspiration for the fitness improvements in your life, but remember that YOU are the one who put in the work and dedication! Nicely done!

You look gorgeous, and so happy!

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Re: My Rosemary Conley Fitness Day

Post by JenK » Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:06 pm

WOW!! Sounds like a wonderful day!!
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Re: My Rosemary Conley Fitness Day

Post by zooeyblue » Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:23 pm

Glad to hear you had such a fantastic day. You look wonderful! :D
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Re: My Rosemary Conley Fitness Day

Post by Ghost » Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:14 pm

hey all

sorry for the replying sooner post :(

Karen: Thank you I'm very happy with my flat tummy and it's getting flatter. All though sit-up are doing the trick. Thank you foor all you wonderful words karen.

Jen: Thanks Jen, Yeah I DO put in all the work and I love it. I'm still cycling to work which I absolutely love, and might I add I look good doing it with my red helmet and bright yellow jacket - safety first and all :). Yeah life never goes as planned and I must admit I enjoying the repast on dieting. I've been able to enjoy chocolate and not feel guilty (FYI: discovered new chocolate brand in the UK called hotel chocolate. Spent £20 in their shop the other week and oh wow it was lush :twisted: ).

Jenk: Yeah it really gave me a lift I needed as I've been a bit down.

Zooeyblue: Thanks, its lovley of you to say

Thank you ladies for all you wonderful words. I'm still have a hard time personally at the moment (some day better then others), but all your great, wonderful, kind words have really gotten me through some tuff times. Good vibes all around :lol:
Foundation: 1: baggie 6: ebony: 7 glow
Fav blush: Steller
Fav Lippie: Symphony
Fav combo: cream 1st half of lid, 09:59 2nd half, chocolate twinkle in the crease with Blackheart over it blended out and vanillia on brow bone.
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