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Awesome sauce?

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 11:35 am
by MagRo
Has anyone tried the Awesome Sauce yet?

I love my Super Serum and Facelift serum, not sure which one I'd sub out for it, but it looks like good stuff.

Can you layer serums?

Re: Awesome sauce?

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:32 pm
by karen
You can layer serums! Although- really, for my money I'm into the Awesome Sauce at the moment. If you're using Awesome Sauce you don't really need Super Serum- they're designed to do the same thing.

Layering the Awesome Sauce over the Facelift would add DMAE, and some Peptides to the mix...personally, I think that might be overkill, but there's no reason you can't do it.

I tend to rotate my serums- just so my skin doesn't get too used to something. There's not a bit of science behind that- I just do it because.

Re: Awesome sauce?

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:39 pm
by MagRo
Cool- I'm still loving my Super Serum but I'll probably check out the Awesome Sauce on my next order.

Re: Awesome sauce?

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 5:21 pm
by fairyfli
I personally love the awesome sauce... I was using the super serum but my face felt really kind of sticky and dry at the same time... I have had that issue with quite a few serums to be honest. I switched to the Vit. C serum which I still use on and off at night.

The awesome sauce has a great texture that sinks in so quickly that I love! I want all of the moisturizers to have this, none of that stickyness at all, but it has also started to clear up my face and just make it more even which I am super thankful for since I have acne plus dry patches! I am still trying to figure out the best moisturizer for me though.. I know that I have bought all of them at one time or another ;) and just can't quite figure out which one is best for me, any suggestions would be great!

Thanks karen for making this awesome sauce it truely is awesome! :D :D

Super Serum vs. Awesome Sauce

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:18 pm
by extemter
I'm still debating Super Serum vs. Awesome Sauce, so I'm just putting these two quotes of Karen's comparisons (here and here) in the same place so I can refer to them easily:
karen wrote:It has the same percentage of vitamin c, but there's a few other goodies in it too. I think for acne prone skin in theory, the Awesome Sauce is a better choice.
karen wrote:Super Serum vs. Awesome Sauce is a tough call. They're different means to the same end. My skin tends to be dry, and red so right now the Awesome Sauce is my choice. If I had young, oily, acne prone skin- a slight edge to the Super Serum, but not by much. If you drink alcohol, the Awesome Sauce is good for getting rid of that morning after "booze hag" look (so I've been told ;))

Niacinamide is good for sebum regulation- it helps control it in the oily gals, and helps to improve it in dry skin gals. Awesome Sauce doesn't have an ingredient that addresses oil production- other than the hydrating system which should help a little with oil production.

It's one of those try a sample and see what you like better situations. They're both good, but I wanted to make something with Venuceane, but without niacinamide for the gals who tend to turn red when they use it. Personally, I'll probably switch back and forth depending on what skin thing is annoying me most at the moment. I like Super Serum for keeping my freckles away.