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higher % MAP serum

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:19 am
by JenK
I would love a higher % MAP/Vit C serum...maybe 10-15%!!!

Re: higher % MAP serum

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 12:11 pm
by frckls

I need more kick from the amazing MAP in Super Serum. And I think upping the concentration to at least 10% is pretty viable. I know Avalon Organics has one serum with 10% MAP for only $14. But I love SN's formula, I want to keep using this!

I also read a study that said that for MAP to give its maximum benefit the concentration needs to be at least 10%.

I really don't want to buy any other serum. Crossing fingers Karen will make this come true.