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SN's Clear Lippies...perfect color!

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:13 pm
by JenK
I've been on a Kisser Slicker kick the last few weeks (Before that it was the ALG). I have about 10 out for easy grabbing. This morning I grabbed one out w/o looking at the color, figured I would dress according to what color ended up on my lips. I popped it on, and looked in the mirror with wonder... WOW, WHAT A COLOR!! IT'S PERFECT on me...turns out it was CLEAR!!!!!! I laughed and laughed!!

Re: SN's Clear Lippies...perfect color!

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:23 pm
by feyith
I had that reaction to Hey Baby. It's like the exact same color as my lips except makes them soft and shiny. Maybe I should have just been using clear this entire time.