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All purpose ivory or medium coverage?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 2:07 pm
by Jessie
Don't know if I should go with the all purpose one or the medium coverage one. I have dry skin and quite a lot of acne scarring, but the dryness is a bigger problem now so I'm leaning towards all purpose ivory. Is it buildable without getting chalky/cakey? Give me some pros and cons, would you! Thanks :)

Re: All purpose ivory or medium coverage?

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 5:09 am
by pipari
I have dry dehydrated mature skin with lots of broken capillaries on cheeks. I use mostly oilblends to moisten skin and after oils have sunk to skin I blend All Purpose mix with a large dense kabuki. It covers well, doesn't go flakey or feel tight that other formulas sometimes did. Staying power is enough for me, through the working hours and some hours after. You can make it cakey if go crazy with it, I have :) but you will see what's enough. In other words I'd say it is buildable. Haven't tried mixing with moisturiser yet since I use use oils for moisturizing.

You definitely should try!

Re: All purpose ivory or medium coverage?

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 12:37 am
by naughtykittens
I second pipari, with the addition of my face having a slightly oily t-zone left over from my youth, just to make things interesting. After not having had any luck with the medium or heavy coverage formulas, I have been using the all-purpose formula for the past several years and I'm still happy with it. That said, everyone has different skin, so if you can, you should get samples (or a pack of samples) to try several formulas if you haven't already.