BHA question

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BHA question

Post by rymorg2 » Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:35 pm

I have a full sized BHA toner on the way to me, and I didn't get to the point where I used it regularly but used it enough to know it won't make me itch or burn like some salacylic acid toners have done in the past and will do what I need it to do.

I have a question about it though....I have a hairy chin (EWWWW EMBARASSING) that I tweeze due to the fact that I'm allergic to the wax we use at work. Right now I have a few places where I have infected hair follicles on my chin. It looks like zits...I know it's not really. I know that Karen's description of the BHA toner says it's good for post waxing, and the info I can find online about Black Willow Bark says it will be good for this, but I was wondering your experiences with it.
Eta how can I still work in my beloved microderm cream also?
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Re: BHA question

Post by JenW » Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:09 pm

I don't have any experience with the tweezing and BHA, but I think it can only help. (Right now I just tweeze my brows, but I am noticing a few hairs on my chin area that do not make me very happy!) I guess what I am trying to say, I would try the BHA in your situation. It is the first thing that comes to mind for helping that situation.

As for the Microderm Cream....I would try to rotate the BHA and the Microderm Cream, but I would probably not use the cream on my chin if it was irritated. How often are you planning to use the BHA?
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Re: BHA question

Post by rymorg2 » Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:18 pm

Only once or twice a week, and like you said, not on the same days as BHA. I got it today, that sounds like a good plan, Jen, Thanks!
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Re: BHA question

Post by rymorg2 » Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:32 am

OOPS Jen....LOL that was the microderm cream I plan on using once or twice a week.

BHA I'll build up to. I'll start off about every other day in the PM, then daily in the PM. Doubt I'll use it in the morning too as my skin is sensitive, but if I could that would be great.
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Re: BHA question

Post by ladycattat » Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:14 pm

Rymorg2 and JenW.....don't feel bad about those pesty little hairs on your chin. From what I understand, it's a combination of age and heredity.
I will be 50 next year, and I started noticing them a few years after I turned 30. I am not a really hairy person to begin with but these puppies were THICK and BLACK. ICK!!! Honestly, tweezing has been the best way to keep on top of them, even if it means taking 5 minutes to do them daily. You can get at them with the tweezers a lot sooner than you can waxing or threading, and the price, obviously, can't be beat. Make sure that you have an excellent natural light source though. I know it sounds weird, but I find the front seat of my van, using the rear-view mirror works the best. I just leave my tweezers in the glove box. My kids have learned not to whine *that's gross* at me, especially it they want to get to school on time! :mrgreen:
Oh, and the tweezers from ELF that you can get for $1.00, are unbelievably the best I have found anywhere, including the designer brand whose name I cannot remember that sells for $20.00.
That's all. I will shut up now! :D
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Re: BHA question

Post by rymorg2 » Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:33 pm


I actually work in the beauty industry as an instructor for a large corporate salon chain. I can't use the wax we use at the stores, so that's exactly what I do...I tweeze some every day. That designer brand is probably tweezerman. LOL....I have two pairs I've had for YEARS that I still use. Thanks for the ELF tip though...I use a lot of other ELF things. I'll check into them.
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Re: BHA question

Post by meadowbird » Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:14 pm

The BHA I have found is hair removal's best friend. I have a few pesky hairs (I'm only 23, but all the women in my family have started getting them at age 21, I got a couple of extra tweeze-free years!). I've had the problem with infected hair folicles and regular use of the BHA (Morning and night) as well as a dab of Super Serum - at least 10 minutes after applying the BHA - works wonders for healing existing spots and keeping them at bay. However, one thing about the Super Serum is that I've noticed it seems to cause the hair to grow back quicker.

I don't know if you can get it overseas, but have you ever tried Paw Paw Ointment? It's very cheap but it is amazing, amazing stuff. It is so soothing but also cleanses the skin of bacteria and about triples skin healing rate. It's incredible for burns, cuts and bites as well (must have for a first aid kit). If you're able to get your hands on that, I highly recommend.
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Re: BHA question

Post by rymorg2 » Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:19 am

Thanks Meadowbird....I'll have to check into paw paw ointment! :D
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