Covering old acne scars (red)

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Covering old acne scars (red)

Post by dmkuk » Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:21 am


I have been sampling SN for a while now and am using the Apricot cleansing oli, Green Tea & Aloe serum, and olive oil moisturisor.

My skin type is dry, slight redness, 32yrs, mum to a 2.5yr old, so no wrinkles as yet but like to keep them at bay! I still suffer from acne (mainly time of the month, cystic spots)since having my daughter my skin was worse in pregnancy and i am trying to clear up my old acne scars (mainly red scars, not pitted)on my cheeks and jawline.

What would the best products be? The products i am using at the moment were recommend by Karen, so am happy to stick with these, but am looking to add to my skincare range.

I am also using the make up too (so if anybody has any further suggestions please can you add)im using Medium coverage (1olive to 15ivory), had a sample of the heavy coverage but seems to heavy for my skin! What would the best powders and primers be?? ( i know this is a skin care thread, but i wasnt sure whether to post in both or just the one!)

What would people recommend??

Thanks ladies
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Re: Covering old acne scars (red)

Post by ChristineLynnP » Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:51 pm

I don't use SN skincare because there are some ingredients I'm afraid I'm sensitive to, and I did start using another foundation because I was impatient for the all-purpose one to be released ( sorry :oops: I strayed), but over the years I've learned that yellow or blue can really help counteract and mask these scars. I hesitate to recommend green concealer, even though that's usually a popular suggestion, because I can't seem to find the ingredients in it and I know that in the past, a common ingredient in concealers that gives the green color made me break out, badly, and you seem to be dealing with a lot of the same skin concerns I had. Also, a pink-tinted finishing powder helps soften the look of these scars too.

Sorry I can't help with SN-specific skincare recommendations.
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Re: Covering old acne scars (red)

Post by meadowbird » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:11 pm

I agree with ChristineLynnP's suggestion of a pink-tinted finishing powder. I have non-pitted acne scars on my chin and when I finish with Dait Bait Perfecting Powder, which has a touch of pink in it, it diffuses fantastically, makes them disappear. Even if you have redness in your skin, the pink actually won't accentuate it so don't worry about that.
I also don't recommend green concealers because something about them makes my skin itch and I always have trouble with it looking.. well.. green, and sometimes appears to make my redness look a little purple-ish. BUT, I know there are lots of ladies who swear by green concealers so it's still worth sampling.
I recommend yellow or peach concealers for acne because that's what works for me, but I have golden undertones.

As for primers, since you have dry skin I would recommend the original Perfecting Powder. If you don't mind a bit of glow, you may also like Tempt Tryst, maybe not so much as a primer but as a finisher.

Have you considered using the AHA toner? If you'd like to help prevent future wrinkles AHA's are great for that, also they really help to prevent or at least reduce time-of-the-month spots. SN's AHA is very gentle. I began using it diluted, on a wet face using wet hands (thanks Karen for the advice there!) a couple of times a week and now use it almost undiluted every night. It's not at all drying, it makes the skin supple and soft.

Hope that helps!
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Re: Covering old acne scars (red)

Post by JenW » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:51 pm

For skincare, I recommend adding the Vitamin C Peptide serum.

For powder primers, etc.....I would start with Date Bait as a finisher and see if you need more than that. If you want a primer, you might want to give the Ultra Sheer Zinc a try.
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Re: Covering old acne scars (red)

Post by Autumn » Tue Mar 22, 2011 8:28 pm

I agree with the suggestions on using AHA and vitamin C. This is often suggested on the Makeupalley skin care board. The AHA exfoliates the top layer and seems to help red scars fade slightly faster. Vitamin C helps with skin tone.

I do recommend Karen's AHA. It is very mild but effective. I can use it every night if I want. I am waiting patiently for another full size botle to arrive!

You mentioned redness. Is this all over or a large area or spots? When I have redness, blotchiness on my nose and cheeks I like to use Unblush. It is a sheer green primer or finishing powder. I prefer to use it under foundation. It has the texture/feel of Silk Perfection. Ingredients are listed and Karen offers samples.

For spots (and I have a red mole) I like to apply primer first then a dab of foundation. I use a foundation from another company that is quite heavy. It was mentioned on this board that the original eye shadow primer that was offered by Karen works quite well. (Black pot and not manufactured by SN). I would try using an eye shadow primer first, then applying foundation. You might have one already that does not work well as an eye shadow primer, but does well for this job.
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Re: Covering old acne scars (red)

Post by dmkuk » Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:53 pm

thanks ladies (just seen the replies)

I would never have thought of using pink in powders. I have just discovered the yellow booster, and this has made a difference to the foundation i mixed. Seems to make my skin look more neutral. I also have been using the green powder, but it did not cover any of the scars so will definately look at the pink powders. (I have started using the heavy coverage again and like the finish as the coverage is good, and it lasts longer, over 10hrs).

I have started on the full size products and had a few weeks of purging (and time of the month too), some nasty spots came up but my skin seems to be settling down now. Started all the products at the same time (opps). The redness that occurs is more on the chin than all over.

I shall have another look on the skincare range and keep adding to my wishlist!and search the forums too

With the serums, is there a limit to how many you can use at one time, i dont want to overload/confuse my skin too much..
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